Date : 8 April 2021
Host : HunterX & GemFlair
Guest : MOAR Project Lead ( John )
Hello! Spykefastians & Blockchain Enthusiastic!
We recently hosted an AMA with MOAR Finance , on 8 April at 5 PM UTC . So here we are up with AMA transcript, for those who missed the live session, this post will be saver & feeder of knowledge for them.
Round 1 — Introduction Questions Asked By Spykefast
HunterX — Q1. Kindly give brief introduction about yourself, Crypto experience and your role at #MOAR?
JOhn — I am John, project lead for MOAR.
I hail from Wall Street with 9 years trading alternative products and derivatives and 10 years building products crossing the gamut of operations, risk, and trading for the industry. In short, extensive TradFi experience.
For the last 3 years I have been “full-on” in blockchain, leading product organizations and strategy at public protocol and advising various digital asset startups including governments.
Currently, I am CPO of UNION, a project building cutting edge protection products for DeFi.
HunterX — Great experience.. 👌
HunterX — Q2. Let’s talk in detail about #MOAR project. Why rebranded Ulend to MOAR? What are the main features of the project?
What connection does the project have with top notch #Union project?
John — I will answer the UNION MOAR relationship and brand together.
UNION and MOAR have a very strong symbiotic relationship.
MOAR started under UNION, meaning we have all the expertise of UNION as a starting point.
The origins of MOAR, ULend, was to showcase UNION’s protection product (starting with UNION’s revolutionary capital efficiency product, C-OP) so that other lending platforms can utilize ULend as a guidebook on how to integrate UNION’s products.
As a standalone project, MOAR will push the boundaries of lending, focusing on growing TVL as a lending platform that utilizes UNION products.The name MOAR was chosen to reflect this wider mandate.
The more TVL on MOAR, the more use there is of UNION, the more people will learn of UNION.
Likewise, the more products UNION comes with, the more benefits MOAR will have due to the collaborative nature of the two products and the “day 1 compatibility” of MOAR with UNION.
The positive feedback loop here is immense.
John —MOAR is the first-of-its-kind, derivative-aware, capital-efficient lending platform.
Our name explains the features of our project. MOAR stands for Multi-asset Optimized Automatic Return. And it has a nice ring to it. 😄
Multi-asset: Not only will multiple cryptocurrencies be supported as we build on cross-chain protocols, but also multiple asset types of those currencies.
Optimized: MOAR is about optimizing capital efficiency. The platform optimizes collateral utilization, return streams, gas efficiency, liquidation protection, and more.
Automatic: MOAR leverages composability to create a one-stop, one-click experience for mass adoption, enabling the power of smart contract automation for users.
Return: MOAR provides decentralized money-market lending returns enhanced with sophisticated financial tooling and DeFi Protection, such as UNION’s crypto default swaps.
HunterX — So nicely explained in simple words.
John — Yes, a lot of late nights I had thinking..
HunterX — Q3. What are the major utilities of holding the #MOAR token? How does team plan to enhance it value so as to attract users onboard?
John — A utility token that confers voting powers which affect the operations of the protocol to holders of the token is essential for a thriving decentralized project, and MOAR is no different.
MOAR token will be used to vote on operational aspects of the lending platform including, but not limited to: borrow/deposit rates, which tokens to support, risk parameters of derivative composition, incentives to increase TVL.
In addition, MOAR will also be used as an incentive in form of reward tokens for liquidity providers, discounted borrow costs, and enhanced yield generation. MOAR itself can be used as a collateral for money market lending purposes.
As a governance and utility token, the value of the token is influenced by the value of TVL MOAR can impact.
With our innovative features described earlier we’re confident that the value of MOAR token will be attractive to DeFi participants.
HunterX — MOAR has so much to offer. 🤑💥
HunterX — Q4. Does $UNN token holder have any additional advantage for this project?
John —Of course, as UNION product adoption grows, UNION’s TVL will increase, and by extension so will UNN.
In a more tangible advantage:
We are certainly looking at incentives for depositing UNN into MOAR and will share these at a later date. Giving UNN holders an easy way to borrow against their UNN is an instant benefit once MOAR goes live. The additional incentives are just icing on cake.
Furthermore, as mentioned in the UNION — MOAR spin-off announcement, MOAR will donate a portion of its tokens to UNION.
The reason for this is simple: MOAR’s success is UNION’s success and vice versa. Win-win.
As UNN holders will have a vote in UNION matters, by proxy, UNN holders will have a vote in MOAR matters. This type of collaborative DAO is something we have seen working to great effect in the DeFi space.
HunterX — So we can say..its better to grab some UNN as well.. 😊😊
HunterX — Q5. Who are the competitors for #MOAR? What competitive edge does #MOAR hold?
John — DeFi lending is filled with projects, from the blue-chips such as Compound and Aave, to the emerging projects built on ETH or other chains. There are probably 5 lending projects spinning up in any given week.
However, as mentioned before — there is no single platform that is derivative aware, focused on capital efficiency. This is MOAR’s strength and value proposition.
HunterX — I feel this strength will take MOAR far and give the competitive edge.
John — TradFi derivatives unlocked a 10x increase in value as they were successfully integrated into vanilla assets like equity. DeFi will soon expereince the same. We are very ealry days in DeFi’s growth.
MOAR is built to capture and take a leadning role in this growth.
One more thing:
The one-click, all-in-one place usability is another advantage MOAR has. We do not intend to build all ourselves. That would fly in the face of DeFi composability. However, we do intend to bring the powerful features of these different platforms into MOAR so that everyday users can benefit.
HunterX — Appreciate the transparency 🙏
HunterX — Q6. Is the private sale closed? When can we expect public sale? Any tokenomics we can share? And when likely TGE?
John — The private sale is closed. Our message of capital efficiency resonated strongly with seasoned participants of DeFi and spots were filled very quickly.
We will have details on the public sale next week, including the tokenomics.
Things are moving at an exponential pace.
Please follow for more information:
HunterX — Thanks for sharing the links.
HunterX — Congrats to the team on their successful fund raise. 👍
Round 2 — Open Telegram Chat questions
ANDY — Q1. MOAR has partnered with UNION. How does it affect capital effiniciency and what are the strategies to achieve this ?
John — The very first product of UNION is collater optimization (C-OP). In short, by pairing defi derivative with an underlying asset, MOAR can increase the borrow factor of a collateral from let’s say 50% (borrow $0.5 for every $1 collateral) to 100% (borrow $1 for every $1 collateral).
There are many more, and I’ll list two:
1. interest rate swaps: a derivative that will offer MOAR users a way to create the return profile they need at any point in time — whether it is fixed rates over certain periods, or floating rates.
2. gas efficiency: through combination of Ethereum’s pending upgrades, L2, gas options, side chains, MOAR will leverage the many options to create an accessible environment for DeFi.
Alex Ferrari — Q2. Security of funds is want of the greatest challenges of DeFis and the crypto space as a whole. Have you been audited by any third party security personnel and if so can you share your audit paper?
John — Agree 100%. Certainly our products will be audited and as it’s highly likely that UNION will offer protection on MOAR, we would have to pass UNION’s very stringent audits too.
HunterX — Well.. Thanks @johnl1 for coveia wide range of questions in the round 2
It was great having you here in SpykeFast group for the AMA
And looking forward to major updates and announcements in upcoming days.
John — Absolute pleasure being here and thanks everyone for your interest in MOAR.
MOAR good luck to everyone here as we navigate the exciting DeFi space. 😉
HunterX — Thanks again
And good night. 🌃
Alex Lenderp — Well done, thank you!
Important Links
1) MOAR finance Website :
2) Telegram :
3) Twitter :
4) Spykefast TG :
Contact Spykefast Group (TG Members — @realsch & @Gem_Flair) for promotions and AMA!!