AMA TRANSCRIPT : Spykefast x Polkawar

10 min readJun 2, 2021


Date : 28 May 2021

Host : HunterX & GemFlair

Guest: PolkaWar TEAM (Jackson Mohr — CEO)

Hello! Spykefastians & Blockchain Enthusiastic!

We recently hosted an AMA with PolkaWar, on 28 May at 2 PM UTC. So here we are up with the AMA transcript, for those who missed the live session, this post will be a saver & a feeder of knowledge for them.


HunterX | Spykefast (Twitter ID — @realsch1) — Q1. Kindly give brief introduction about yourself, Crypto experience and your role at #polkawar Project?

Jackson Mohr | CEO of PolkaWar — Sure

I will post social media of PolkaWar project here
✅ Website
✅ Telegram
✅ Telegram discussion
✅ Twitter
✅ Github
✅ Medium
✅ Whitepaper

HunterX | Spykefast (Twitter ID — @realsch1) — Guys do join all the groups for latest updates regarding the project.

Jackson Mohr | CEO of PolkaWar —

I’m Jackson Mohr, CEO & Co-Founder of PolkaWar.
Graduating from the National University of Singapore in 2002, I have many years of experience in the field of 2d & 3d Game programming.

Knowing the cryptocurrency market in 2016 as an investor, I have a lot of experience in the field of investment and management. In addition, I have more than 5 years of experience in the field of Blockchain programming.

HunterX | Spykefast (Twitter ID — @realsch1) — Great to hear about your credentials

With right mix of crypto experience + blockchain programming. 🙌🙌

Good to have you here. 🚀

Jackson Mohr | CEO of PolkaWar — How long have you been in this market?

HunterX | Spykefast (Twitter ID — @realsch1) — Since 2017

Myself and @Gem_Flair both of us.

We understand the market to quite good extent now. 😊

Jackson Mohr | CEO of PolkaWar — yeah awesome

HunterX | Spykefast (Twitter ID — @realsch1) — Q2. Let’s talk in detail about #Polkawar project. What are the main features of the project? Which all blockchain does the project support?

Jackson Mohr | CEO of PolkaWar — PolkaWar is a decentralized fighting game platform on the blockchain network. Inspired by the NFT subfield, PolkaWar will create a vivid fighting game world. Players will build character systems with weapons and equipment with different levels, to engage in combat with other players; participate in quests in the game as well as buy and sell items in the marketplace.

PolkaWar has 3 main modules that are PolkaWar Realm, PolkaWar Marketplace and PolkaWar Logictics

PolkaWar Realm: The NFT-based decentralized fighting game. Everyone can create or build their own characters, battle to have fun and earn more profits

PolkaWar Marketplace: The NFT marketplace, where players can buy, sell and bid equipment or weapons for their character

HunterX | Spykefast (Twitter ID — @realsch1) — By modules we mean 3 types of Games?

Or different platforms For PolkaWar Project

Jackson Mohr | CEO of PolkaWar —

Although it is said to be 3 modules, it is 3 components of the game platform

PolkaWar Logistics: convert NFT items to physical real-world tangible items

HunterX | Spykefast (Twitter ID — @realsch1) — Interesting.. Need to know more on this.

Found this for the community to give a read if this interests you as well.. 📖📖🎊

Jackson Mohr | CEO of PolkaWar — Furthermore, we will build PolkaWar Logictis module. When join PolkaWar, users can own their in-game items copy in the real world too. All NFT items on the market can be converted to physical items.

Example: You have a sword (NFT item) level 1 and you want to own that sword at your home. You just need to send the request to the PolkaWar Logistics system. PolkaWar team will process and deliver it to you at the required address.

Let’s me show you the model

HunterX | Spykefast (Twitter ID — @realsch1) — Sure.. Would love to see that!!

Jackson Mohr | CEO of PolkaWar —

This is how PolkaWar Logictics working

HunterX | Spykefast (Twitter ID — @realsch1) — This is something really unique

And attracts me to the project.

HunterX | Spykefast (Twitter ID — @realsch1) — Q3. What are the major utilities of holding the #polkawar Native token? How does team plan to enhance it value so as to attract users onboard?

So what’s the token Ticker?

Jackson Mohr | CEO of PolkaWar — it’s PWAR

You can see PWAR token use cases

HunterX | Spykefast (Twitter ID — @realsch1) — A simple easy to understand.

Jackson Mohr | CEO of PolkaWar — You can use PWAR tokens to buy game items and build characters, participate in battles. At the same time, you can also participate in staking, farming to make profits

In the future, when our game platform attracts more players, I think the value of PWAR token will increase even more.

HunterX | Spykefast (Twitter ID — @realsch1) — Q4. How is #polkawar project different from other competitors?

Jackson Mohr | CEO of PolkaWar — Good question

The current statistics show that less than 20% projects are related to gaming with most projects having mere concepts and no working products.

We realize that the NFTs combined with gaming will be the catalyst required for mainstream adoption and will contribute to the development of the general nascent NFT market, in the coming years

We create a completely different game platform, a game with high real combat, not just as simple as other NFT gaming

The market share in the field of NFT gaming is still very potential, but there are not many projects to exploit. We think that as long as you do your product well, the worthy results will come. All you need to do is put a lot of effort into developing your project, fulfilling the set goals.

HunterX | Spykefast (Twitter ID — @realsch1) — Q5. What major events can we expect in the 2021 #Polkawar Development Roadmap?

Jackson Mohr | CEO of PolkaWar — Look at our roadmap

We will also release MVP on 1st June and run airdrop program. When user participate airdrop , they will receive PWAR token and one NFT item (Level 1 weapon or equipment).

In Q3, we will release testnet of the game and marketplace. Of course, testnet will run on Binance Smart Chain. It’s good blockchain with low fee and fast speed.
In Q4, we will run mainnet of the game and marketplace. And we will also develop the game on Casper network.

With the potential of the NFT market, we believe the project will achieve great success.

HunterX | Spykefast (Twitter ID — @realsch1) —

Another thing I wish to discuss.. Some great strategic investors on board.


Alex Lenderp — What is the most important challenge facing Polkawar?
Is there a sufficient margin of safety to continue the development of the project if a bear market occurs in the near future?

Jackson Mohr | CEO of PolkaWar —

This is a very good question.
Most projects die when the market enters a full downtrend, because there may be a financial shortage. PolkaWar is fortunate to be supported by many large backers financially, so this issue is not a concern. We were determined to create a different and attractive game platform, so we will make it to the end. We will not let the community and investors down

Sun — Can you explain more about the items in your game especially weapons, can the user combine them into rarer items? I know you have two types of arenas: individual and team, can you explain the difference between the two and what are the free player opportunities in the game?

Jackson Mohr | CEO of PolkaWar — In the game there will be a total of 10 weapons and equipment, including: Sword, Big Knife, Tessen, Bow & Arrow, Gun, Sceptre, Magic Vase, Armor, Helmet, Wing. There are a total of 5 weapon levels and 3 levels for items.
Players must buy on Marketplace or use stones to upgrade to get higher level items.
The PolkaWar arena will have 2 types: 1 vs 1 and team vs team. Before entering the match, the parties must bet some amounts of PWAR tokens and after the match ends, the winning side will win that bet amounts.

focalpoint — Why did you decide to build in Casper , as it is small and new Ecosystem in the market.
How much do you think , will it be successful.

Jackson Mohr | CEO of PolkaWar — Casper network is a new blockchain platform that has many advantages and differences compared to the rest of the competitors. It inherits the good aspects of the Ethereum blockchain and improves on its weaknesses, such as the problem of almost zero transaction fees and very fast speeds, using POS.
Moreover we wanted to try something new, especially the Casper ecosystem is small, so we decided to aim to Casper. I believe that if PolkaWar successfully builds on Casper NetWork, it will be a very significant breakthrough for us.
Next time, we will coordinate with the Casper team to conduct construction. Of course, the first step is still to run on Binance smart chain first

Amina Peter — As an investor, I will like to know the selling points of PolkaWar project? And how can you convince me now that PolkaWar is not just for entertainment but a money making platform? What are the proofs there?

Jackson Mohr | CEO of PolkaWar — PolkaWar is a NFT game platform combined with Defi, it is not only for entertainment purposes, but it is also for making money.
When playing the game, players can earn tokens and sell them. In addition, players can also staking and farming PWAR tokens to earn money …
The more players, the more valuable the PWAR token will be. That is the strategic strength of the project

HunterX | Spykefast (Twitter ID — @realsch1) — Any more left to answer @jacksonmohr?

Jackson Mohr | CEO of PolkaWar — Yes

I will answer more

HunterX | Spykefast (Twitter ID — @realsch1) — Please go ahead.. 🙂

Love your enthusiasm.

JA — In gaming world the more money you have the more powerful your character will be, So my question is how will Polkawar maintain its balance so that people can still enjoy even they dont have a baotload full of money to play your game?

Jackson Mohr | CEO of PolkaWar — This question is really good.
If you have a lot of money, you can’t build the strongest character, because the character’s stats not only depend on the strength of weapons and equipment, but also on the character’s own stats. The higher the level, the stronger the character. To raise the character level, you have to do mission , join the battle…. but you can’t use money to buy levels haha

Amina Peter — Pls is the Airdrop to lunch on 1st June?

Jackson Mohr | CEO of PolkaWar — Sure. Our airdrop campaign will run on 1st June. When you participate in the airdrop, you will receive level 1 weapons or equipment and 25 PWAR tokens .
Follow our channel to get the latest news @polkawar

Bobby — PolkaWar Logictis system allows players to directly own their NFT items in the real world.
How is it possible.
Can you explain the idea and work process behind this?

Jackson Mohr | CEO of PolkaWar — We have connections with a number of small merchants, so the supply of items is not an issue. We will go through some legal issues, before deploying this module

Real sword we already have

JA — Where i can play the game by the way?

Jackson Mohr | CEO of PolkaWar — MVP will run on 1st June, but only for marketplace, airdrop and build basic characters first .
Game will on Q3

Ajay — POLKAWAR in the future will be a amazing game.
In which platforms are you planning to lauch your Defi Game?
Will it be Available for mobile?

Jackson Mohr | CEO of PolkaWar — First, we will run the game on the website platform first and then we will develop the application for mobile devices later.Of course we will try to make the game run as smoothly as possible.


Jackson Mohr | CEO of PolkaWar — Thanks everyone ❤️

Ajay — Thanks man

HunterX | Spykefast (Twitter ID — @realsch1) — Thanks @jacksonmohr for your time and support.

JA — Thank you Polkawar

Jackson Mohr | CEO of PolkaWar — Thank you @realsch for giving me the opportunity to introduce PolkaWar to your community

Goodbye and have a nice day ❤️

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1)Website :

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4) Spykefast TG :

Contact Spykefast Group (TG Members — @realsch & @Gem_Flair) for promotions and AMA!!




Written by Spykefast

SpykeFast is a Telegram group operated by two well-known #Crypto Twitter personalities @Gem_Flair and @realsch1. TG group link:

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