AMA TRANSCRIPT : Spykefast x DefiCity

11 min readJun 15, 2021


Date : 15th June 2021

Host : HunterX & GemFlair

Guest: DefiCity TEAM ( Maximilian Nestler — Co Founder)

Hello! Spykefastians & Blockchain Enthusiastic!

We recently hosted an AMA with DefiCity, on 15 June at 3 PM UTC. So here we are up with the AMA transcript, for those who missed the live session, this post will be a saver & a feeder of knowledge for them.

HunterX | Spykefast (Twitter ID — @realsch1) — Q1. Kindly give brief introduction about yourself, Crypto experience and your role at #Defi-City Project?

Max | DeFi City | Will never PM you first — Hi my Name is Max. I am from Germany and worked as a business consultant and in the tech startup accelerator space.

My colleague and business partner Rafael introduced me into crypto in 2016. I have been through the ups and downs. Seen rug pulls and the pumps and dumps. It just hooked me.

My role is basically the girl of everything. I help where I can. Ah and btw I am the Co — Founder of DeFi City

HunterX | Spykefast (Twitter ID — @realsch1) — Amazing journey it has been..

Max | DeFi City | Will never PM you first — I mean its true. I helped the design team, i worked on the concept, i helped with dev ( although i am not good in coding )

HunterX | Spykefast (Twitter ID — @realsch1) — Your choice? Haha.

HunterX | Spykefast (Twitter ID — @realsch1) — Q2. Let’s talk in detail about #DefiCity project What are the main features of the project? Yield Farming Gamified & Simplified — what simplifications have been carried out?

Max | DeFi City | Will never PM you first — Yes sure

The main features I would say are

Gamification: we try to get away from the Excel feeling and that it makes fun to interact with your staking pools.

Simplification: The whole process should be simpler and easier for the end user. Like my mother should be able to farm cryptocurrencies.

Education: We want to educate people so that they are aware what they invest in and what the pitfalls are. Take impermanent loss as an example or market maker. When I started with DEFI I had zero clue what it is and what risks it involves.

But there is also more to it 🙂

That are our 3 key pillars i would say

HunterX | Spykefast (Twitter ID — @realsch1) — Yeah.. Gets more people connected to your journey.

Max | DeFi City | Will never PM you first — Think about — traditonal banks would do that. I really dont know why they did not do that already

HunterX | Spykefast (Twitter ID — @realsch1) — Time for us to explore the left way.. 😇💯

Max | DeFi City | Will never PM you first — I really hope so — i mean at the end our community has to like it

HunterX | Spykefast (Twitter ID — @realsch1) — Also.. Glad to find Ian Friend of #Ferrum Network is an Advisor.

Massive support from Ferrum Community as well.

For the community. 💥💥

HunterX | Spykefast (Twitter ID — @realsch1) —

Max | DeFi City | Will never PM you first — Yes we are really happy with him on board

More to come 🙂

I can tell you that

HunterX | Spykefast (Twitter ID — @realsch1) — Haha.. If you could drop any hint.. Would be super cool

Max | DeFi City | Will never PM you first — 1 is quite big and one is more of an underdog


But it is not disclosed yet — so i will not tell names

Underdog in the sense great tech but not well known — so far

But join the annon channel

We will announce it 😉

HunterX | Spykefast (Twitter ID — @realsch1) — Q3. What are the major utilities of holding the #Deficity native token $DFC? How does team plan to enhance it value so as to attract users onboard. Let’s hear what $DFC token has to offer.

Max | DeFi City | Will never PM you first — We are already planning a lot of steps ahead

But sure

So the major utilities are that you purchase a NFT — your own city so to say.

It will cost 25 $DFC. The NFT has 4 different properties.

Townhouse, Environment, Resources and Grid.

Each has their own property which varies in rarity.
-> So to say the rarer NFT you have the more staking rewards you will receive from our native token.

HunterX | Spykefast (Twitter ID — @realsch1) — As easy it can be to understand.

Max | DeFi City | Will never PM you first — Once you stake the NFT in Q3 you are able to bring the NFT to live and start playing the game. Interacting with your farms etc.

Ah but you can already stake when we go live with the scrolls 🙂

HunterX | Spykefast (Twitter ID — @realsch1) — This time we take the right way.. 😉😉

Max | DeFi City | Will never PM you first — And you will earn tiles over time 🙂

You can have as much as 256 ( tiles / farms ) — i think for most users this is enough

But if problems arise we will sure work on that

HunterX | Spykefast (Twitter ID — @realsch1) — Would personally try to grab as many tiles as possible. 🎊🎊

Max | DeFi City | Will never PM you first — But there are already plans like copying other cities because they perform that well. You can visit friends cities

Copying their investment strategy. Something like E Toro

I hope that gives you an overview of the concept

HunterX | Spykefast (Twitter ID — @realsch1) — Yeah.. Certainly it does.

This one’s cool.. 😅😅

Max | DeFi City | Will never PM you first — You have the function to be private but i dont think it was intended to be like that

HunterX | Spykefast (Twitter ID — @realsch1) — Q4. How is #Deficity project different from other competitors?

Max | DeFi City | Will never PM you first — We are bundling different DEFI protocols in one platform. So at the end you have one place where you have all your relevant KPIS available, check on your farms in a gamified way and get educational help on the other hand. In my opinion this is very unique.

So we are doing kind of a platform game that interacts with them

Like we take some core functionalties of different projects out there and bundle them

Like dashboards you also find in apy vision. I am aware of this. But can you play a game? can you interact with your farms?

So to say that is what we are trying to achieve

But i also think this is just the beginning. In the end we want to partner with projects and include it in the game so the user has even more utility

HunterX | Spykefast (Twitter ID — @realsch1) — Yeah.. That adds to the utility.

Max | DeFi City | Will never PM you first — I feel like today i am in a flow

Max | DeFi City | Will never PM you first — I talk a lot 😂

HunterX | Spykefast (Twitter ID — @realsch1) — Haha.. Unstoppable..

HunterX | Spykefast (Twitter ID — @realsch1) — Q5. What major events can we expect in the 2021 #Deficity Development Roadmap? Any details about the public sale?

Max | DeFi City | Will never PM you first — n Q3 you will be able to start playing and interacting with verified protocols. Since security is also very important to us.

Q 4 will be extensions of the possibilities, new partnerships and much more.

We already received so nice feedback that I believe we have a great future ahead of us

HunterX | Spykefast (Twitter ID — @realsch1) — I find pretty good Backers on the website

Max | DeFi City | Will never PM you first — Thanks

They were all really nice

Like i dont want to say the exact date of IDO but should be good 🙂

HunterX | Spykefast (Twitter ID — @realsch1) — We at SpykeFast wish the best for the project and the investors 💯

Max | DeFi City | Will never PM you first — Thank you very much

Like i really do

Once we are mature and we release the game i can comeback and tell you what is still to come

HunterX | Spykefast (Twitter ID — @realsch1) — You are welcome any time to talk to SpykeFast Community.

A small clip.. If you are a Tom & Jerry Fan.. 😇🤣

Gives a brief understanding of what all Deficity has got to offer.


SB — What is your main area of concern.
More focus on “gaming” or “trading” and blockchain development.

Most projects start with a game with dull story and eventually end up abducting the game.

Max | DeFi City | Will never PM you first — Like we still focus on the game. But most important — the real value of doing this is farming and earning. So it will not be like battlefield or something. It should make fun to stake and beeing on the website

ANDY — @deficitycarlo
As you mentioned about mutual farming and yield success for neighbour and the city owners in the DefiCity .
will be there some rewards for the citys with the highest growth of earning?

Max | DeFi City | Will never PM you first — No not as of now. But i like the idea. But you also have to see that people might want to be anon. So that would be unfair. But i write your comment on my bucket list

Silver Spoon — Your project was launched a few months ago, so how many players do you have? Are you satisfied with this number or want it bigger? What is your most important next priority?

Max | DeFi City | Will never PM you first — Our game will be launched in q3 21 🙂 so a little bit more time my sir

Jeje — I see that every NFT inside Defi City game platform have different quality/rarity. Rarity effect to their power and value both within the Defi City ecosystem. How they can be used in games? Can you tell us how many type of Rarity do NFT have and how is the way to get Defi City NFT?

Max | DeFi City | Will never PM you first — There are a lot of variations. If you want to be a real gem hunter and earn most rewards then you need to open more scrolls or trade them on open sea

Cosmos — I read that Defi City have a unique NFT-based city with DeFi City Tokens (DFC). Each city is set up in a square of 256 tiles. So users can farm different combinations of DFC to earn rewards in DFC tokens. But can you tell us, which combinations of DFC NFT will earn to higher reward?

Max | DeFi City | Will never PM you first — There will be a medium article soon. But the NFT will only determine the NATIVE token. So other protocols like DUCK for example will stay the same for all users

Lupu Ruka — I love this project cuz It different from other projects. How can I place a farm in DeFi city?
And how can cities be sold?

Max | DeFi City | Will never PM you first — Cities can be sold on opensea and placing will be like a city builder. This is why the meme in the beginning was really nice

L — I was able to read on your website that DeFi City implements all DeFi mechanisms in its gaming ecosystem, but tell us in more detail if this is the only existing innovation in this project? Or in addition to this they have multiple tools that facilitate users to innovate in various kinds of strategies when play Defi City?

Max | DeFi City | Will never PM you first — So the first innovation is that we build the game and have everything in one place. There will also be like a main city in the future where you can travel too and do other exiting things. I do not want to talk about it yet because first we focus on a succesful ido and then a succesful game release. Once that is fine and works to our confidence then we will do further steps

Step by step guys 🙂

HunterX | Spykefast (Twitter ID — @realsch1) — Deficity is coming.. 💥💥

Na Na — Many people play games through their mobile Phone instead of their PC or Desktop, so do have any integration plans with Android or IOS?

Max | DeFi City | Will never PM you first — I also got those questions a lot. But do you farm ( maybe besides pi) anything on your mobile? — But besides that i think first it will be hard to do so with Apple regulations and Google plat store. But once community seeks for it we might tackle it

For Now — What are the plans for PVP? When will we see Explorers and the age of empires kind of Game? Will the game have kind of a PvP arena and if so how big of a chance will have free players?

Max | DeFi City | Will never PM you first — So far we do not do a PVP — it is about farming and earning money. Like maybe you can fight for ROI. I think for PVP we are not game enough 😂

Tom — There are countless DApps of varying genres currentIy and even in future production. Therefore, how does Defi city plan to remain reIevant and continue with it’s impressive growth without compromising on it’s core features of entertainment & innovation? What shouId we expect in the nearest future?

Max | DeFi City | Will never PM you first — In the nearest future you should expect a game. In which you can farm you beloved farms. With nice dashboards and educational content. As i said before when we take it step by step we have a good direction to success. If there is a good dapp wich does the same then i congratulate them. I did not see something like that before 🙂 and if we get copied it is still an honor


HunterX | Spykefast (Twitter ID — @realsch1) — @deficitycarlo.. You really made the AMA really interesting one. 💪💪

Credits to you. 😇😇

Max | DeFi City | Will never PM you first — it was really interesting and entertaining for me aswell

HunterX | Spykefast (Twitter ID — @realsch1) — Thanks for being here. 🙏🙏

Have a great day. 💐

For Now — Have a great day 2 👍

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Contact Spykefast Group (TG Members — @realsch & @Gem_Flair) for promotions and AMA!!




Written by Spykefast

SpykeFast is a Telegram group operated by two well-known #Crypto Twitter personalities @Gem_Flair and @realsch1. TG group link:

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