7 min readMay 1, 2021

Date : 19 April 2021

Host : HunterX & GemFlair

Guest : BUSY DAO Team (Vladimír Lieger — CEO, Ing. Robert Michalek — CO-Founder, Marek Szotkowski — Blockchain Developer)

Hello! Spykefastians & Blockchain Enthusiastic!

We recently hosted an AMA with BUSY, on 19 April at 4 PM CET. So here we are up with AMA transcript, for those who missed the live session, this post will be saver & feeder of knowledge for them.

Round 1 — Introduction Questions Asked By Spykefast

HunterX — Q1. Kindly give brief introduction about yourself, Crypto experience and your role at #Busy.technologies?

Marek Szotkowski — I’m Marek Szotkowski, blockchain developer at Busy Technology.

I worked as a back end developer in one of the top insurance companies in the Czech Republic (especially the development of an environment for online sales).

I started with cryptocurrencies in 2009, when I first mined bitcoin and traded, and then I went into the blockchain environment more in-depth.

Since 2014 I have been working in the blockchain and crypto sector (as a freelancer), developing some wallets and collaborated on several projects (some master nodes and staking projects).

I like math, chess and love the idea of decentralization.

Robert Michalek — Hello All one more time 😊 I am Robert Michálek, I am CTO and Co-founder at Busy Technology. I have been working as a freelancer for many years developing websites, e-shops, CMSs and web apps. I was asked by Vladimir to join Busy idea a year back. Since then, we are all together and developing Busy 😊

Vladimír Lieger —I’m Vladimir Lieger CEO at Busy Technology.
Live long freelancer and Crypto enthusiast. From the first contact with crypto, I knew this could change Everything. And that inspired me to create an idea of Busy and I hope we can make a real impact in the mainstream with our solution.

HunterX — Interesting to hear about you @VladimirLieger and @RobertMichalek.

Excited to see what Busy Technology can deliver in near future.

A great team up of wide range of experience in many fields.

HunterX — Q2. Let’s talk in detail about #Busy project.
Interesting name. What are the main features of the project?

Robert Michalek — Yes, great time, indeed 😊

Right, I would like to start with what is Busy DAO about. The Busy DAO is an engine for B2C/C2C platforms with cutting-edge blockchain technology, DeFi solutions, Utility Staking, and NFTs.

On this engine, many new platforms can be built as the Engine will be available to everyone who will see an advantage in it through Smart Contracts.

The project aims to create an ecosystem of global decentralized and exclusive platforms in the first stage focused on the gig economy that will compete with the current centralized giants with exclusivity, offered quality of services, and benefits associated with decentralization.

Gem Flair — All in one solution.. 🚀🚀

HunterX — Q3. What are the major utilities of holding the #Busy token? How does team plan to enhance it value so as to attract users onboard?

Robert Michalek — Thanks for the picture! 😊 Blockchain has the possibilities to do the utility so why not use it as much as possible, right?

That’s why we are using the coin utilities for all core functions and the whole ecosystem, not only on the one platform. As seen on the image, the coin utilities are: Payments / Transactions / Governance / Voting /Utility staking / Anti-Spam / Messaging / Network distribution / Smart contracts / Lending / Renting / Non-fungible tokens.

The main function of the coin tethered platforms is Utility Staking. This function provides users with the option to ocupate space on the platform through staking.

The second important function we can highlight is the anti-spam. It is a simple but clever feature to avoid spammers being on the platform. Or, if so, to be really expensive for them. As every message sent will cost a token and spammer multicast message to thousands of users, he spent thousands of coins. But if there is a conversation between two people, they are just exchanging the same coin.

HunterX — Yes.. Indeed a lot of utilities for the token. 👍 So much to offer.

HunterX — Q4. What is the present progress of Busy Platform? When Testnet is planned?

Marek Szotkowski — We are debugging our testnet, which will be available soon in Q2 this year. We have already implemented a lot of functions for the engine. We also have some events planned for the users for testnet bug hunting and many more. After these successful steps, we move to our mainnet. Together with mainnet will be available our platform in first stage beta, and we would like to have the whole platform ready at the end of this year.

Gem Flair — All the best for this mega event 🙂

HunterX — Q5. Does #BUSY have any competitor? How is #Busy Different from other similar platform?

Vladimír Lieger — Well, in terms of technology, there are no competitors. The concept of Utility Staking on DAO platforms is new and unique, nobody is using it in the current mainstream solutions.
In terms of the market competitors, there are only centralized competitors in the gig economy, Fiverr, Upwork etc.

HunterX — So it’s a unique step taken by the team in crypto field.

HunterX — Q6. What major events can we expect in the 2021 #Busy Development Roadmap?

Robert Michalek — The first Busy platform will be ready for all users at the end of this year (2021). But before, there will be access to the beta version for early supporters in Q3 2021.

The early supporters will be able to participate in bug bounties, sharing feedback and improvements they would like to see there.

There will be multiple functions added in-time (like payment gateway implementation, lending, and many more). 🚀

There is a lot of work to be done — once it is done by the next year, the platform will be ready for the mainstream adoption.🚀🚀🚀

HunterX — We wish the team very best in their endeavours. 👍👍

Round 2 — Questions Asked on Twitter & Telegram For BUSY

LFC Boy — Busy uses its own POS algorithm. How does this algorithm improve security and better performance of Busy Network?

How scalable is Busy Technology? Can you tell us the underlying technology behind this project?

Marek Szotkowski — We use a functional and verified PBFT consensus, which is used by many (large) crypto projects today. It is only modified. We implement Verifiable Random Function (VRF) for better scalability and security.

For Now — How are the Trust Indicators adopted in Anti-Spam Tool feature algorithmically designed to accurately help users to identify notorious spammers and spam messages as soon as such messages are sent to them?

Robert Michalek — Good question @Algojali. The trust indicator will be calculated by the algorithm based on the number of sent messages, number of received messages, number of replied messages. Feel free to check more in our technical discussion videos:

Zelio Zidolf — What was the main motivation behind the Busy project and what are some of the long term goals

Vladimír Lieger — Main motivation was my experience with the freelance market, because there are a lot of problems.
We believe that the current freelance space has a lot of problems and freelancers suffer from them. Many problems in freelance can be solved by blockchain technology, mainly problems like centralization, censorship, quantity over quality, low-quality, overcrowded and spam offers, high fees and much more.

There should be many DAO platforms built on Busy engine in the future.The engine has nearly endless applications, we believe a lot of merchandisers will see an advantage in the engine and implement their solutions on it.
Also we do have a plan to build other platforms on the engine, some only for crypto ecosystems, some for mainstream applications. We believe that they can be the first mainstream adopted DAO platforms solving multiple real word problems.

So main goal is to be first mainstream adopted DAO engine

Ajay — Busy provides every user the option to choose whether to perform staking — online or offline.please differentiate between the two.
How are they different from Normal staking that every Project provides.

Marek Szotkowski — Every user can select between online and offline. Offline means that the user will become a node in the Busy blockchain and perform staking. In the online solution, the platform will be tethered with the blockchain and staking will be used to have a different size of the slot based on the number of full staking addresses.

Robert Michalek — Thank you all for the questions, as we are 2 days before public sale, there are a lot of things to coordinate 🚀🚀


HunterX — Best wishes to team for a successful public sale and Listing

Marek Szotkowski — Thank you. It was a pleasure. 😊

Robert Michalek — Thank you All!

Alex Lenderp — Thanks for your time!

Gem Flair — Thanks @RobertMichalek and @markszotko for your time.
Wish you all the best for upcoming launch. 🚀🚀

Important Links

1) BUSY DAO Website :

2) Telegram :

3) Twitter :

4) Spykefast TG :

Contact Spykefast Group (TG Members — @realsch & @Gem_Flair) for promotions and AMA!!




SpykeFast is a Telegram group operated by two well-known #Crypto Twitter personalities @Gem_Flair and @realsch1. TG group link: